BDGP Resources

cDNA Library Aliquots

In exchange for their original sample, the following laboratories have volunteered to share aliquots of BDGP cDNA libraries with other nearby groups.

If you would like to obtain an aliquot of a BDGP cDNA library, please check the table below for the two letter code of the library you need, then read the list of laboratories. Please request an aliquot from the lab that is closest to you geographically that has the libary you need. The following libraries are available:

D. melanogaster cDNA Libraries

LD Embryonic oligo-DT phage
LP Larvae-Pupae oligo-DT phage
GH Adult Head oligo-DT phage
HL Adult Head oligo-DT phage
GM Ovary oligo-DT phage
AT Adult Testis oligo-DT phage
SD Schneider cells oligo-DT plasmid

Name Address
Kate Abruzzi
c/o Michael Rosbash Lab
(781) 736-3161
[email protected]
Brandeis University
Bassine 119 MailStop 008
415 South Street
Waltham, MA 02454
Karen Traverse
c/o Mary Lou Pardue Lab
(617) 253-6839
[email protected]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Mass. Ave.
Bldg. 68, Rm. 664
Cambridge, MA 02139
David L. Van Vactor
(617) 432-2195 Office
(617) 432-2196/4609 Lab
[email protected]
Harvard Medical School
Department of Cell Biology
240 Longwood Avenue
Building LHRRB, Room 409
Boston, MA 02115-5701
Jessica Treisman
212-263-7760 (FAX)
[email protected]
Skirball Institute for Biomolecular Medicine
Developmental Genetics Program
NYU Medical Center
540 First Avenue
New York, NY 10016
Karen Palter
(215) 204-8845 Lab
(215) 204-6646 FAX
[email protected]
Temple University
Department of Biology
1900 N. 12th St.
Bio-Life Sciences Rm 343
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Deborah Morrison
(301) 846-1251
[email protected]
National Cancer Institute
NCI-FCRDC, Bldg 560
Room 22-91
Frederick, MD 21702
Richard G. Fehon
(919) 613-8192
[email protected]
Duke University
Developmental, Cell, and Molecular Biology Group
Research Drive
Durham, NC 27708-1000
Steven Hou
301-846-6145 (FAX)
[email protected]
Building 560, Rm 12-15
Frederick, MD 21702-1201
Ana Y. Estevez
c/o Kevin Strange Lab
(615) 343-7383
[email protected]
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Anesthesiology Research Division
T-4208 Medical Center North
Nashville, TN 37232-2520
Karen Schulze
(713) 798-8840
(713) 798-3694 (FAX)
[email protected]
Baylor College of Medicine/HHMI
One Baylor Plaza, Room T630
Houston, TX 77030
Wendi Neckameyer
[email protected]
Dept PharmacologyLD, LP, GH
Louis University School of Medicine
Rm M467
1402 South Grand Blvd
St Louis, MO 63104
Svetlana Dzitoyeva
(312) 413-4580
[email protected]
University of Illinois
Psychiatric Institute
1601 West Taylor
Rm. 238 Bldg. 775
Chicago, IL 60612
Carolyn Worby
(734) 647-0889
[email protected]
University of Michigan
Department of Biological Chemistry
1301 E. Catherine, Med Sci I Rm 4412
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0606
Steven G. Britt
(303) 315-0880
[email protected]
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
4200 East 9th Ave., Campus Box B111
Department of Opthalmology, SOM Room 4547
Denver, CO 80262
Hannele Ruohola-Baker
(206) 543-1710
[email protected]
Department of Biochemistry
Health Sciences Building J579
University of Wshington, Box 357350
Seattle, WA 98195
Gaia Tavosanis
(415) 476-5314
[email protected]
Jan Lab
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Third and Parnassus Avenue
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA 94143-0724
Jeffrey Garnes
(650) 825-2223
[email protected]
Exelixis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
260 Littlefield Ave.
South S.F., CA 94080
Michael Best
858-784-2409 (FAX)
[email protected]
The Scripps Research Institute
10550 North Torrey Pines Road
Mail Drop BCC 335
La Jolla, CA. 92307
Rama Singh's Lab
Contact: Santosh Jagadeeshan
[email protected]
LSB 505, Dept of Biology
McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1
Maria Luisa Paco-Larson
[email protected]
Depto de Biologia Celular e Molecular
Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto/USP
Ribeirao Preto, SP
Guy Tear
(44) (0)20 7848 6539
(44) (0)20 7848 6554
(44) (0)20 7848 6550 (FAX)
[email protected]
Molecular Neurobiology Group
MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology
4th floor, New Hunt's House
Guy's Hospital Campus, King's College
London SE1 1UL
United Kingdom
Francois Rouyer
(33) 1-69-82-3436
[email protected]
Institut de Neurobiologie Alfred Fessard
Av. de La Terrasse
91198 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
Stephen Cohen
(49) 6221-387-414
[email protected]
Developmental Biology Programme
Meyerhofstr 1
69117 Heidelberg
Christopher M. Schuster
(49) 7071-601-820
[email protected]
Friedrich-Miescher Laboratorium
der Max-Plank Gesellschaft
SpemannstraM-_e 37-39
D-72076 TM- bingen
Krystyna Keleman
(43) 1-797-30-423
[email protected]
Forschungsinstitut fuer Molekulare Pathologie(IMP)
Dr. Bohr-Gasse 7
A-1030 Vienna
Lydia Michaut
tel: +41 61 267-2054
fax: +41 61 267-2078
[email protected]
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Dept. of Cell Biology
Klingelbergstrasse 70
CH-4056 Basel
Minna Taipale, Ph.D.
+358-9-1912 5545
+358-9-1912 5554 (FAX)
[email protected]
Biomedicum Research Center
room A528b
Haartmaninkatu 8
00014 University of Helsinki
Hideyuki Okano
(81) 6-879-3581
[email protected]
Osaka University Medical School
Department of Neuroanatomy
Biomedical Research Center
Yamadoaka, Suita
Osaka 565, Japan
Yasuyuki Shimohigashi
81-92-642-2584 (Tel & FAX)
[email protected]
Laboratory of Structure-Function Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Sciences
Kyushu University
Fukuoka 812-8581

If no one on the list has the library you need, please contact us at [email protected].